Lemon Sauce 500 ML
The lemons that grow without shedding their leaves throughout the year are prepared and presented in a 500 ML laminated packaging with zero touch with the quality and assurance of Yurttan. Lemon sauce, which can be consumed in soups, salads, cocktails, drinks, does not compromise the taste of fresh lemon.
With its practical opening lid and its economic amount, the product, which should always be at hand, adds flavor to your tables with its flavor. The sauce, which you can easily use in olive oil dishes, allows you to prepare your meals practically.
Always Fresh Always Healthy
It has a natural flavor that you can use the taste of fresh lemon in your meals with lemon sauce, consistency and aromatic taste. The sauce product, whose pH alkali level is balanced, is also very rich in terms of vitamin C.
It plays an important role in removing all toxins in the blood and body with blood sugar balance, the product which is balanced with the acid content, digestion facilitating effect, skin cleansing effect and antioxidant properties.
Besides its refreshing effect, thanks to its practical use, you can use it for your meals, salad varieties and soups at any time, and the lemon sauce is delivered to you by bringing fresh lemons picked in time to modern facilities and with zero touch..
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